EDU held a well attended meeting on Saturday February 9. After hearing about the organizing in UTLA and in caucuses across the country, we discussed what it would look like for EDU to accelerate and intensify the Fund Our Future campaign. We voted overwhelmingly to:
1) Label the Fund Our Future campaign, in all EDU writing, Fund Our Future – No Strings Attached!
2) Task the EDU coordinating committee with developing a plan for civil disobedience if our demands for full funding with no strings attached are not met. 34 in attendance already indicated their willingness to engage in civil disobedience.
3) Initiate a petition campaign in buildings and locals wherein members will request a day off on May 1 in order to attend a rally for the Fund Our Future – No Strings Attached campaign. These petition campaigns will be organized by EDU members with the goal of collecting signatures from 50% of members in a building or local prior to bringing them to the principal, superintendent, or college president. The petition will say that these members are requesting a day off on May 1. If the administration refuses, we will have a strategy to address that.
We each also drew up an individual action plan for how we will organize a building site team, map our worksites, and develop escalating campaigns. The CC will be following up with attendees to support their plans.
If you did not attend the meeting, but want a petition and support developing an action plan, you can download the petitions below.
If you are interested in engaging in civil disobedience in order to win the campaign, please send an email to educatorsforademocraticunion@gmail.com.
We have a chance to bring the power of the #RedForEd movement to Massachusetts. Let’s lead the way!